

New podcast episodes this month ☞ March 2023 in audio 🎧

Any new blog posts will be here â˜ž March 2023 on LadyJupiter.com

[ Just sharing a slice of life with DiurnaTango.WordPress.com ]
[ I’m available slightly more regularly via podcast! Swing by Lady Jupiter Podcast ]



New podcast episodes this month

[ A month in the life of DiurnaTango.WordPress.com ]
[ I’m available more regularly via podcast! Swing by Lady Jupiter Podcast ]


[ A week in the life of DiurnaTango.WordPress.com ]

Sunday: Hey, finally got that fence fixed!
Monday: Warm rain was nice, but it was pouring buckets
Tuesday: He was happy to be there – promise!
Wednesday: Big dog loves the forbidden sheetless mattress
Thursday: 3.14
Friday: Second MAX down in five months
Saturday: Made it down to Pine Bar with ladies


[ A week in the life of DiurnaTango.WordPress.com ]

Sunday: We just always live near tornados apparently
Monday: Best impulse buy (top bed is memory foam)
Tuesday: Baby gets sun even when it’s cold
Wednesday: Oh, hello there NASA
Thursday: and SpaceX
Friday: Steaky steaks
Saturday: Love our quiet nights in


[ A week in the life of DiurnaTango.WordPress.com ]

Sunday: There’s chain link back there, so it’s not a true gap
Monday: Okay, Carter’s has some cute stuff
Tuesday: Ah, when we were young
Wednesday: Dogs & dirt
Thursday: This is too warm for February
Friday: The gift of once-local coffee, yum!
Saturday: No idea how I want to lay out this book (poster maybe?!)


[ A week in the life of DiurnaTango.WordPress.com ]

Sunday: We check in on each other
Monday: Naptime Champions!
Tuesday: Grocery procurement & return coffees
Wednesday: One day we won’t share a tiny closet
Thursday: Perfectly mild and overcast
Friday: Thule can’t sell the pram attachment in USA
Saturday: Thank you Hulu, thank you


[ A week in the life of DiurnaTango.WordPress.com ]

Sunday: Very strategic photo timing for being alert but not mad
Monday: Strolling our historic neighborhood
Tuesday: 3/4 of my favorite guys
Wednesday: Impromptu portraiture
Thursday: I donut wash dishes
Friday: Need these in our forever-house’s yard!
Saturday: Mild Alabama winter


[ A week in the life of DiurnaTango.WordPress.com ]

Sunday: I just love my card chains ($10/ea Amazon)
Monday: Slanted afternoon sun
Tuesday: Weekly pickups are so handy
Wednesday: I love borrowing e-books
Thursday: Bringing back Fireside Chats
Friday: Remember when November was cold?
Saturday: Heroes of the Torah!